when you're having fun!
Sooooo much has happened in the last month, it feels like every day there's something to do, or someone to see. And if I have no plans then I've been trying to use that time to catch up with people that I haven't seen in a while.
Picking up from my last post (before the mini Disney pack post)... on October 12th I met up with my Disney lovelies, Claire and Hayley and went for some lunch and Disney chat. It's crazy, Claire is actually in the airport in London about to fly out to Florida now and then Hayley is away in February, it's all going by so fast! Once I left them I had some running about for last minute items and then had to head home to pack my bags as I was off to Fuerteventura the next morning!
Helloooooo sunshine! The little island gets a lot of sun and very little rain - although it did rain for nearly a whole day, boooooo! I was with my mum, stepdad and younger brother and although it was good to chill, they did start to annoy me as its difficult being around them all the time! Plus my stepdad can't stay still, he just wants to do stuff ALL THE TIME! And it drives me nuts, I want to lie in the sun, by a pool and move slowly, rotisserie style until I get an even tan. So on a few occasions I stayed back and spent some quality time at the pool while the family went off to do their thing. There was also extremely cheap booze and a visit to a crazy zoo that really did let you get up close and personal to the animals, they practically insisted on it. Patting giraffes and zebras, avoiding snakes and having a HUGE vulture land on me. Gutted though because they had elephants but when we went to see them they were hiding :( Coming home to rain, freezing cold wind, snow.... bleuch!

I'm scared of seagulls and pigeons. So you can imagine my joy when two seconds after I took this photo, the guy threw a bit of meat at my foot and the bird LANDED ON ME. *shudder*
Came home and my Disney pack finally came a day later. Thank god! Worked, shopped, caught up with friends and then this weekend I went out with two of my friends for Halloween! I had work from 3pm until 11:30pm so I had to quickly run out and round to the hotel they were at to get changed and go out. Was a fun night but I was really tired the next day (yesterday) but had to work at 3pm. Boohoo.
In less than two weeks I'm off to London for the Disney catch up weekend! So excited!! Will be sure to take lots photos and have some stories to tell :)
This 'lil beauty appeared through my door yesterday.
Very happy as I wanted to hold something real in my hands that told me that I am going to work for Disney!
It's only a single sheet of paper and the look book but it is still really exciting. I also now know that the day my Traditions training starts is the 13th of April (I arrive on the 9th) and what the rate of pay is (as I couldn't remember what they told us before).
I have lots more to update on but I need to go get ready for work :(
Only 166 days to go!
Just booked my flights this morning - woooohooooo!!!!!! SO EXCITED!! IT'S REAL NOW!!!!
Finally got the check that I've been waiting on and it cleared today so first thing this morning, I was up and booked my flight :) I've decided to book with Aer Lingus... originally I was going to book with British Airways but it was a lot more expensive, I'm saving myself £500 this way! And that's even after I added extra luggage (23kg is not enough!) and chose my seat (exit seat... plenty legroom and a chance to get off the plane earlier and avoid some of the queues). It feels so final now!
Next thing will be to buy health insurance, I'm taking four months only as I want to sign up to Disney health insurance as it's meant to be a lot more practical (for those that don't know, you have to have at least 4 months health insurance when you go, after which you can sign up for Disney's employee health insurance which comes out your paycheck, like housing). I've noted down the ones that friends have gone with so will probably follow suit on that. Then it's just a matter of saving until its visa time!
Still no Disney pack!! Loads folk have them now but there's still a few without, very annoying as its been MONTHS since I found out! Only 180 days to go now, when I found out it was 287 so it really does go by fast! In three days I'm off on holiday for a week with the family and then two weeks after I come home, I'm off to London for a Disney meet up weekend! Hopefully this week I'll be having a catch up lunch/drinks session with my two lovely girlies who I met up with before, one of them is off to Florida this month so we are trying to get a catch up before she goes! Exciting month for Disney related things lol!
I've been keeping my eye on the WDWIP boards to see who got interviews, can't believe it's all happening now! So... if someone out there with an interview is reading this, you may be coming out with me on the 9th April!
And in my personal news... it's all been friendships and relationships. Suddenly out the blue, two former very good friends have appeared out the woodwork and have reached out and started talking again. Neither of them know each other, they are from different periods in my life, but it's good that we are talking again. I don't like avoiding people or any of the messyness that comes with it all so it's good that these things are being fixed before I leave. Although by complete coincidence they happen at the same time!
-edit- I did talk a bit about another situation here... but as some people know, its not going well AT ALL. So I've taken it out, no need for painful reminders!