Sunday, 18 November 2012

Disney Weekend!!

Ok... so the "Disney Weekend" was a week ago but I've been busy/tired so will re-cap as best as I can!

We decided not to do the dress up thing as it was getting a bit complicated and our chances of getting in anywhere in central London while dressed up were slim to none. So my Minnie costume will have to wait for another dress up opportunity, after all the drama of it making it to me in the first place. Typical, lol! As I had the whole weekend off I was working the night before leaving so there was a bit of running around at the last minute, which is typical for me. I panic that I won't have things I need, so I end up with way too much! I took more to London than I did to Fuerteventura for a week!

On the Friday I got up early and headed into Glasgow to get the train to London. Connor was in the same train but different carriage... and this was a common theme lol! We had reserved seats for the train to London but not in the same carriage. So we split up again, I find my seat and the woman in the seat next to mines used to be my neighbour! She still lives in the same street I grew up in for 18 years so she was filling me in on everything... I text my mum to tell her who I met... and she replies that she was supposed to meet her daughter for coffee that afternoon. Spooky coincidence! She was headed to Blackpool so didn't go the full journey, after that I had a random woman sit next to me and make conversation with the two women opposite. They literally sat counting down the minutes until dead on 12pm midday, and then cracked open the vodka and Irn Bru, clearly out for a good weekend! 

Arrived in London and then I called Adam who had met up with Caroline, so we headed to meet them and then walked to our hostel. Dropped our stuff in our room then we headed downstairs to wait for Heather and Melanie to get there. Highlight moment was going to the bar and getting a glass of wine and the guy was like "ahh... you might as well have the rest of the bottle!" Thanks Mr Hostel Man!
Then an old man proceeded to talk at great length with Connor and I about ... well pretty much his entire life, while we nodded along politely. Adam managed to rescue us and then we headed off for some dinner at Pizza Express.... to be served by a slightly moody but rather attractive server, known only as "DJ4"... lol 

Then we headed off to see Wicked!! We were trying to keep costs down so our seats were really far back but it was still really good! Never seen it before and really wanted to, so that's summit off my "life bucket list" haha! After this we were pretty tired and headed back to the hostel for some chat. 

The next day we all gradually got up and ready and then headed out on a touristy day. If I could describe it with one word - exhausting! First we went to the Science Museum... but weren't really loving it so we headed to Harrods to see the Disney Princess inspired windows for Christmas! Soooo pretty! Then we headed inside for a wander around and then went upstairs to see the pet store bit and discovered the Disney store up there. Really cute stuff but rather pricey! Then we went to see the extremely cute puppies.... omg. Words can't describe the cuteness!

We did A LOT of walking around, had a perv on the staff in Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch, went to the Disney Store (of course) and also stalked another CRP buddy, Robert, while he was at work. We also went to pizza hut (yup, more pizza) but this time the service was CRAP!!! Waiting around for AGES for everything and anything, actually hopeless. We were pretty exhausted so headed back to the hostel to chill for a little bit before going out again. Which turned into Adam wearing his headphones, listening to Disney songs and miming them and me, Heather and Connor guessing what he was listening to. Cue a lot of laughing and crazy dancing. Eventually we perked up enough to get ready and Robert came over to the hostel when he finished work and we headed out. Went to a little Mexican place for food and a couple of drinks and then did a lot more walking... even in circles for a while. Everywhere was soooo busy and we were so tired... so yeah. Back to the hostel lol! We were a lil bit boring but when we had to be checked out by 10am, the not having a late night seemed quite a good idea!

On Sunday we got up, ready and packed then headed to Starbucks for a couple hours and some more chat. Then we headed off for our different trains home and yet again me and Connor were in different carriages. This time there was no one next to me or directly in front so it was a lot more comfortable than the way down. However after a while there was a rather annoying child with an extremely annoying loud toy that he kept playing with until he fell asleep. Charming.... 

And that was it! My Disney weekend! There was A LOT of laughs and I really enjoyed getting to meet some more people that I will be spending a year with. If you haven't already, then you should check out Adam's vlog on our weekend (feat. my video of him miming.... there are no words...)

Since then, its been back to work and the daily grind. However I am already planning my next meet up! Should hopefully be within the next week :) ... I feel like the 2013 CRP official meet and greeter haha! It's taking my mind off other things though :) There's been people from other countries getting their arrival dates so there's now a little group for us... it's really growing now! Exciting stuff! Less than a month to find out if I'm getting some more UK peeps as well, which I look forward to!