OK, so it's been 2 weeks. Not that long. But in "Disney" time, a lot can happen in two weeks!
Firstly before I start rambling, I want to say thanks to all the people that have tweeted, pm'd me on Facebook, etc. I really appreciate it and will hopefully see some of you in the future. Secondly, I can't believe how many views my little blog is receiving every day... it's just insane!
So starting from where I left off two weeks ago....
Thursday 16th May - I FINALLY GOT A PHONE THAT WORKS!!! YAY!!!!! No more being uncontactable unless I'm glued to my laptop! I also bought bathroom scales and discovered that I'd lost 12lbs since getting to Florida :) I headed off to Hollywood Studios with Jen and had an afternoon of chilling then watching Fantasmic where we bumped into a couple of our Canadian pals as well. Went home and then decided last minute to go out with the UK lot to Sun On The Beach (SOB). Crazy but fun night, ended with a trip home via Maccy D's... but never actually ended up eating it as I sat out in the middle of the Commons chatting with Charlotte until a ridiculous time in the morning. Woops!
Friday 17th May - Not a good day, felt crap and properly thought I was going to faint twice at work so got sent home early :( Had a quiet evening and spent the night in my bed catching up with tv on my laptop.
Saturday 18th May - First stocker shift. Horrendous! Ended up getting completely stressed out as I was being called here, there and everywhere and still felt horrid and just weak. Not good when having to lug about crates and kegs of beer :( The managers swapped me to a seating instead but I didn't feel any better about it and was just stressed out about the next stocker shift. I've been doing this crap at home for ages, the problem here is that people (other cast members) are extremely impatient and can be downright rude which stresses me out!
Sunday 19th May - Went to work and then when I was getting home, just as I was about to walk in my front door I saw a tiny little snake. As I bent down to look at it, A COCKROACH RAN UP MY BARE LEG!!!! Most horrible thing ever! I shook it off and practically ran screaming into my apartment. After this, I decided I had to go out!! Was going to get the bus to Downtown Disney and meet the others at Raglan Road and ended up sitting with a couple of UK-ers who were rather drunk and rather funny! Had to pretty much carry two of them across the carpark, least they were having a good time! Wasn't really into this night at all though and kept loosing people and eventually had enough so I went to walk out, at which time I found some of my Canadian friends and so walked back to the bus stop with them, venting about life! I also had a bit of an arguement with an American guy on the bus... he was being a douchebag and I clearly needed to let off some steam. I won that arguement lol....
Monday 20th May - Went to work as usual for yet another PM shift (my shifts are always PM's) and then bolted home to get ready for Lasses. As usual, I say I'm not going to go somewhere and end up going anyway! Glad I did as it was a really good night! Had a funny moment when I went into Walgreens and some random guy asked me what went with vodka? Must of been good advice I gave him, cos the guy standing behind me then asked what goes with bacardi? Nice to see someone benefiting from my drinking!
Tuesday 21st May - Day off!! Thankfully as I was feeling a bit rough and didn't wake up till mid afternoon as I went to an after party, after Lasses. Was going to go to Magic Kingdom with Charlotte but we ended up scrapping that plan as it was getting pretty late so we went for a wander round the outlets instead to look at pretty things we can't afford to buy!
Wednesday 22nd May - Another day off! Got up and got ready then headed out for a Disney day! Met with a couple of the Canadians and one of them has a car which truly is the most amazing thing after getting busses everywhere! We headed to Animal Kingdom first and did some rides and the safari and got some food before it started raining pretty heavy so we headed back to the car, went to Epcot to pick up another Canadian and then headed to Hollywood Studios for more food, rides and Fantasmic.
Thursday 23rd May - Back to work for a chippy shift that went really quick as it was busy! It was Claire's last day and she hung back to throw her shoes in the lagoon (a tradition) and then a group headed straight to Jellyrolls. I headed home for a shower and to get changed as I felt disgusting and managed to get ready realllly quick - which was a waste as the bus never came as it had broke down so had to wait an extra half hour for the next one! Finally got to Jellyrolls for big solo cups and a few songs before heading home again.
Friday 24th May - Another stocker of doom shift. This one wasn't as bad as the last as it wasn't busy to start with so managed to keep on top of things until later on. Then there was a storm warning and things had to be moved or put away which threw me off track. Still happy I managed to do it though! Went home and spent the evening watching tv in the livingroom and just chilling.
Saturday 25th May - Went to work and realised how sore I was from the day before! I could barely move my arms :( Went home in the usual rushed manner and got ready to go to Cowboys. Another really good night that definitely made me feel a lot better about things!
Sunday 26th May - Went to work, hangover free (yipee!) and had a non-eventful day as far as I can remember! The UK lot were going to Parliment instead of HOB but I was too tired so decided not to go out so that I could get up early the night day and get stuff organised for Lasses.
Monday 27th May - Got up and got the bus to Vista Way to walk over to Walgreens and Dollar Tree. The traffic was crazy at this point so I decided to walk back to Commons as it was quicker and the weather was good. There was so much traffic headed towards the outlets for the Memorial Day sales! Went to work and then did the usual rush home to get ready to go out. As it was a "last", we had a themed night so all had to represent the different countries of the World Showcase. Some peoples outfits were amazing!
There was also an amazing proposal at the Uk pavilion... we write on the street and draw hopscotch, etc everyday and a guy asked if he could write "Will you marry me"... of course, being Disney, we went a bit beyond that... and you can watch what happened here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzP6nLN_Y7Y
Tuesday 28th May - Day off! Got up at a reasonable hour and did laundry then headed off to Magic Kingdom with Charlotte. We were just going to do a few rides but then we realised that our cast ID's are blocked out (meaning we can't go) from Monday 3rd of June until August so we ended up running about all over going on as much as possible. Even It's a Small World hahaa! Didn't leave the park till midnight but got a lot done!
Wednesday 29th May - Back to work for a PM beer cart shift which got hit with a rather annoying big thunder cloud! I somehow managed to stay dry though! A lot of people went out at night but I decided to have a quiet night in as today I had a realllllly long shift in the chippy! Which brings me right now, till 1am where I've spent a good hour typing all this out and trying to remember everything! Tomorrow is another day off and will hopefully be spent at Magic Kingdom again :) Only two weeks until my family get here!
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Where does time fly?
Its been five weeks since we've been here and as ever, I can't ever remember the chronological timeline of events soooooooooo here's just another list of stuff thats been happening!

- Went to Epcot again with Laura and Kailei and spent the day going round the world showcase checking out shops, eating, taking photographs and a bit of drinking. Finally got my margarita from the Mexican pavilion! We decided to not see Illuminations and instead go over to Boardwalk where we ended up in the ESPN bar watching the hockey game. We were surrounded by Boston fans while the girls support the Leafs so it was a bit awkward. There was one particularly loud and annoying dude that I was ready to go all "Red Ross" on!!
- The day after this was our one month anniversary! Started the day by going to Publix with Jen which felt like it took forever and then went to do some laundry, etc. Then got the bus to Boardwalk with Jen, Jess and Harriet and got a table at the Riverside Bar and Grill while waiting for Scott to finish work and join us. We got app's while waiting which turned into my downfall as my pityful little appetite meant that I really struggled with my entree. Fail again! We then headed over to Jellyrolls where a couple of the Canadians joined us and we had some big drinks again :)
- Had Safety in Motion and Basics training classes... the less said the better. Boring! Although the Safety class was pretty bizarre with the rather stupid American guy who kept interrupting the class and then finished off with loudly interrupting and stating that he thought that me and two of the Canadian girls in the class were really hot. Awkward pause all around.
- I'd kept away from nights out for a while but have gone to HOB and Lasses in the last week. Still on edge a lot, sometimes things around here can seem so much better and then the next day it feels like you're back to square one. I'm definitely struggling with this a lot more than other people are, I just find myself feeling really isolated a lot.
- I've been working all PM shifts so I've used my mornings to catch up on sleep or lie in the sun for a couple hours... I know I have colour but I still feel pale! The eternal battle to be dark!
- Yesterday I lay out in the sun with Stacy for a bit and then at night went to Magic Kingdom with most of Stacy's arrival group, via the Polynesian beach to go see Wishes. Found by accident a really good viewing spot so will be camping out there from now on!
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Swings and roundabouts
It's been an up and down kind of week. It's not that I want to go home, I just feel quite unsettled at times. I've cried more times than I care to remember. Buttt..... there are some lovely people out here that have made me feel so much better and picked me up when I'm down. I've been extremely hormonal which explains a lot of the crying!!
At home, before you leave on your big adventure then you're probably talking to people on facebook and going to meet ups... anyone that's read through my whole blog will know that I'm definitely one of those people. Everyone's friendly, everyone's best friends, etc etc etc. In reality, out here it is a lot different. In real life, everyone doesn't love everyone else and are all best friends forever, some people just prefer to hang out with certain people. There's bitching, gossip and it's just a bit of harsh reality. I'm not one of those people that only wants to hang out with a selective group, I like to mix it up.
My living situation is also quite difficult at times. I appreciate and like a bit of quiet time, but alllllll the time can feel extremely lonely. If I stay in this apartment for too long then I go a bit stir crazy. The weather has been pretty rotten recently as well, it's just been rain, rain and more rain. I don't mind that crazy hour of rain you get throughout the summer but at the moment, it's only rain! At home I would walk around puddles and avoid them at all costs, here I just charge through them in my flip flops, there's no way of keeping dry so you might as well just go with it!
That's the Negative Nancy part of my post over with..........
The upside is that the sun is back!! FINALLY!!!!!!
And although there have been some difficult parts of being here, there have been some really fun moments as well! Last week housing had arranged a night called Starlit Splash, where they hired out Typhoon Lagoon for cast members only between 7pm and midnight. Crazy night! DJ on the beach with lots of dancing, free food, t-shirts, jumping about in massive waves, swimming with sharks and fish and Jack Sparrow and other pirates kicking about. Thousands of International and college program participants all in the same park!
The day after I went to Hollywood Studios with Laura and Kailei and although it poured it down with rain, we had a good day! Went for lunch at the Sci-Fi Dine In for the first time which was pretty cool, sitting in a car getting my munch on.... couldn't finish anything though so ended up bringing most of it home in a to-go box, woops! Hid out under cover throughout most of the day and met some characters including the boss man.
The latest arrival group arrived on Tuesday, feels weird to not be the newest people here anymore! Had a similar night to our first night out and went to Cowboys. Got a bit drunker than I normally do here, but think I really just needed to let loose and felt a lot better for it afterwards. Although I did feel drunk for a big part of the next day (although I had no hangover!) so I'm glad I had the day off to just chill out. Went out in the evening (braved the rain!) and went for dinner with a group of people at Outback to finally get the steak I've been craving and it was damn good!!
I've completed my training for now and I'm no longer "Earning My Ears". I actually quite enjoy work, feels good to have some sort of routine going on as I generally have no idea what the day/date is and I tend to wake in a panic that I'm meant to be somewhere but can't remember. On that note... I need to go get ready for work! :)
At home, before you leave on your big adventure then you're probably talking to people on facebook and going to meet ups... anyone that's read through my whole blog will know that I'm definitely one of those people. Everyone's friendly, everyone's best friends, etc etc etc. In reality, out here it is a lot different. In real life, everyone doesn't love everyone else and are all best friends forever, some people just prefer to hang out with certain people. There's bitching, gossip and it's just a bit of harsh reality. I'm not one of those people that only wants to hang out with a selective group, I like to mix it up.
My living situation is also quite difficult at times. I appreciate and like a bit of quiet time, but alllllll the time can feel extremely lonely. If I stay in this apartment for too long then I go a bit stir crazy. The weather has been pretty rotten recently as well, it's just been rain, rain and more rain. I don't mind that crazy hour of rain you get throughout the summer but at the moment, it's only rain! At home I would walk around puddles and avoid them at all costs, here I just charge through them in my flip flops, there's no way of keeping dry so you might as well just go with it!
That's the Negative Nancy part of my post over with..........
The upside is that the sun is back!! FINALLY!!!!!!
And although there have been some difficult parts of being here, there have been some really fun moments as well! Last week housing had arranged a night called Starlit Splash, where they hired out Typhoon Lagoon for cast members only between 7pm and midnight. Crazy night! DJ on the beach with lots of dancing, free food, t-shirts, jumping about in massive waves, swimming with sharks and fish and Jack Sparrow and other pirates kicking about. Thousands of International and college program participants all in the same park!
The day after I went to Hollywood Studios with Laura and Kailei and although it poured it down with rain, we had a good day! Went for lunch at the Sci-Fi Dine In for the first time which was pretty cool, sitting in a car getting my munch on.... couldn't finish anything though so ended up bringing most of it home in a to-go box, woops! Hid out under cover throughout most of the day and met some characters including the boss man.
The latest arrival group arrived on Tuesday, feels weird to not be the newest people here anymore! Had a similar night to our first night out and went to Cowboys. Got a bit drunker than I normally do here, but think I really just needed to let loose and felt a lot better for it afterwards. Although I did feel drunk for a big part of the next day (although I had no hangover!) so I'm glad I had the day off to just chill out. Went out in the evening (braved the rain!) and went for dinner with a group of people at Outback to finally get the steak I've been craving and it was damn good!!
I've completed my training for now and I'm no longer "Earning My Ears". I actually quite enjoy work, feels good to have some sort of routine going on as I generally have no idea what the day/date is and I tend to wake in a panic that I'm meant to be somewhere but can't remember. On that note... I need to go get ready for work! :)
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