Waiting... but good waiting!
Still no Disney pack! I know that it includes very little - just the look book and a letter but I so want it! Some people have started getting theirs for next years arrival dates so hopefully soon!
I've being a bit boring recently, all I seem to do is sleep, work and go to the gym when I have the time! So I'm trying to remedy that!... Although my work is currently a bit chaotic with various people taking holidays, it means a lot of extra hours. The next few months are looking up though! My birthday is on the 21st September... I'm going to be sooooo old lol! Then the first October is my sister's birthday, on the 7th I'm going to see Kevin Bridges with my best mate (Kevin Bridges is a very popular Scottish comedian). Then on the 13th I'm off to Spain (Fuerteventura) for a week with my mum, stepdad and younger brother. The 14th October is then my mums birthday. Then on the 9th November I'm off to London for a Disney weekend! Some of my fellow CRP's are planning a weekend of catching up - and I'm so excited! I love this sort of adventure lol!
So there's a lot going on and A LOT to save for! Thankfully because of the amount of overtime I'm doing, my wage is going to be increased for a few weeks at least so there's some piece of mind. April seems so far away ... but its only 209 days now, about 80 have passed since I found out and that has defo flown in so I know that it will come in good time! Almost every person from the wait group has a date now, they have been told to reapply but there's still a chance they will get a date. And I really hope they do. A lot of dates have been jiggled about, people that were told they were going in March are now going in April! So there's an extra person on my date now. If there's any others out there - let yourself be known!!!
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