Thursday 12 January 2012

The Actual Application/CV

I just made a full post about my application and my laptop crashed! Fail!!

A quick recap then of what I’ve just lost forever :(

My CV was already up to date, I just changed it a teeny bit and then created my Yummy Jobs profile. There is boxes to fill in with information and most people will say that they practised, and squeezed every last thing into those boxes, wrote a cover letter and had some amazing CV.

I didn’t. Lol!

My CV is full of experience and relevant qualifications, and I just have a fairly small passionate blurb at the end. I used to work in a recruitment agency as a resourcer and the main part of my job was to read hundreds upon hundreds of CV’s, picking out the good ones. If I did it all again, I would probably do some of the stuff that I didn’t but I know that I almost never read cover letters or big blurbs… YJ has thousands of CV’s so I would make yours stand out, in that its to the point, relevant and above all - grammatically correct! My spelling and grammar can get a bit shocking while I’m posting as I type fast and get a bit carried away lol…. but I would never hand out a CV or job application that wasn’t checked, then doubled checked!

I sent off the application at 2:47am on 15th December 2011, and I was completely taken by surprise when I recieved an email on the 12th January to say that I had been invited to the next stage!

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