Thursday 4 July 2013

Stay-cation!! (part 2)

So the family are well gone but I've been busy/ill so will try to recap as well as I can!

After going back to work for a few days and doing the normal CRP life, I got picked up by the family on Monday night after I got home from work. Went back to the villa and had a bit of a munch before going to bed. Originally we were going to do Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios on the Tuesday but instead we decided to have the beach day on the Tuesday. Got up mega early on Tuesday morning, loaded up the car and headed out in the direction of Clearwater, but instead of the touristy beach we went further past to the Indian Rocks beach. There's small hotels and lots of amazing seaside HUGE mansions but none of the commercial stuff you get on the busier beaches. Was a really pretty spot and the weather was realllllly hot and sunny. Defo got a lot of sun and was feeling the effect for a few days (and my tummy is now peeling, booo!) Collected more shells which is always a way of keeping me entertained and went out in the water a lot as it is the Gulf of Mexico so the water temperature is amazing, and there's lots of sandbanks so you go out a little and then you hit shallow water again. 

The next day we were up super early again to do some more parks! Headed out to Animal Kingdom and it was already getting really hot for the morning. The car was telling us it was 100 degrees outside and I believe that! My burnt skin was not loving being in the sun so I was jumping into the shadows whenever I could. We headed straight for Everest and got fast passes which were for like an hour later which was really handy and then went over to do Dinosaur, have a wander in the shops and look about and then come back. My mum is not a fan of any sort of rollercoaster so I was impressed that she actually went through with it, although she did admit to feeling a bit sick after. We got fast passes for the safari and went off to watch Festival of the Lion King... they've seen the show in London and think this was a highlight for them. Got the jalapeno cheese  pretzels (well... the family did, I just recommended them as they aren't exactly celiac friendly)... and they also tried funnel cake.. not so friendly either. Then we went back and did the safari...a lot of the animals were hiding because it was so hot but did manage to see the elephants which I love!

After the safari we headed to Hollywood Studios and I knew that although my mum got through Everest, she could not handle Rock 'n' Rollercoaster so me and my brother headed off to do that while my mum and stepdad did their own thing. Caught back up with them as the Indiana Jones stunt show was about to start so headed in to see that as it looked like it was about to rain. Luckily it didn't! After the show we did Star Tours and then headed to see the Muppet show which is a favourite of my mums (it was a big thing for us on our first visit almost 21 years ago!) Went a walk and bumped into some of my fellow CRP's which was amusing then did a bit of retail therapy before heading back to the villa. We would of stayed for Fantasmic but my stepdad really wanted to leave to go get food so we headed off to Red Lobster (and of course, we had Lobster). Got back to the villa and went to their clubhouse for a margarita before calling it a night.

The next day we got up and packed up bags full of stuff for me to take back to my apartment (like my mums hair products that cost a fortune here and all their laundry supplies), and went to the outlets on the other side of International Drive. Bought lots more things for my nephew whose first birthday was the day after they got home and then they dropped me off. My mum got a bit emotional as I knew she would and I'm not big on the big goodbye as it gets me upset so I shot off back to drop everything back off at my apartment before heading back to work! Also got to speak to my grandparents for the first time since being here before getting back to the apartment so was good to briefly check in with them. 

Next blog post to follow shortly............

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