Wednesday 15 February 2012

Final Interview Stage! part 1

Knowing me, this post will be lengthy so you have been warned!!!

My final interview was scheduled for the 14th Feb - Valentines Day! I had to go to my boss and explain, sorry but I do need one of the restaurants busiest nights off, oops! Then it was back to getting everything organised again. Yet again I booked the same flights and booked another Premier Inn Hotel... yet again A LOT of money spent. If I was travelling with friends for drunken fun then I wouldn't care how I got there or where I stayed but this is important so I really wanted to be as chilled as possible. I went back to my lecturer again for some more grilling sessions and random hallway handshakes (lol!) and took some abusive from less enthusiastic lecturers for needing to miss a day or so of classes. Boo hoo.

By sheer weird luck, I would be returning to London AGAIN the week after with my college as part of a hospitality trip/nosy round the Olympic sites so I was really starting to clock up some travelling time.

I prepared much in the same way as before, and lots more people had been added to the facebook group so it was all getting really exciting to talk to them about meeting up. The interviews were to be held on the 13th and 14th at the Disney Attractions Office in Hammersmith which is a big deal in itself if your a big Disney geek! It was agreed that a group of us would meet up at Costa Coffee in Hammersmith Station before the interviews and then make our way in. 

There is an online Disney application form that Yummy Jobs will provide to you once you've been accepted to the final interview, this needs to be fully filled in, sent back and a copy printed off to be brought to the interview. A lot of people were having problems with this, the pages would time out and other various issues. There are boxes to be filled with details of employment but only allow for a very small amount of characters so there was a bit of pressure to get the right information in there! Luckily the form worked for me first time, and you can go back and print it out ... I made about five copies! There was other bits and pieces to be brought along as well so that all went in a plastic folder in my carry on, wasn't taking any chances!

The day arrived and I went to college in the morning, got some last minute advice and "good luck's" , then I headed home to get ready for the airport. And then I got a bit distracted! My younger sister is pregnant and at this point I hadn't seen her since Christmas when she had no bump. She arrived at the front door with this pretty substantial bump and I flew down the stairs for some bump prodding... which kind of wasted time so I grabbed my suitcase and my mum started off for the airport. Got to the airport to realise I'd left my fricken phone on my bed!!!!!!! Annoying much?!? In all the excitement I had thrown down my phone when my sister came in and never put it in my bag. My mum gave me hers so I had it for emergencies or whatever and I headed off to drop off my bags feeling just a little bit stressed out.

Did my usual sit in the bar with my Kindle, still cursing myself for not having my phone then went to get my flight. In the other flights there was never anyone sitting next to me but this time there was two foreign guys, one of which had two prosthetic legs. Got talking to them over the flight and it turned out that the non injured guy was bringing the other for treatment, he'd been in injured in one of these never ending wars. He had a beany hat on but I could see scars down the sides of his face and head which was shaved. He got hurt in a bombing and had been in hospital for a long time and hadn't seen his family in a really really long time. Was trying to not get emotional as I was talking very broken English to this guy while he was showing me photos of his wife and kids, he must have only been 30years old if that. He kept saying "thank you for talking with me/you are very beautiful person inside" and the other man (who spoke perfect English) explained that he'd experienced some negativity from people because they just saw this dark skinned, Eastern European guy and judged him without thinking that maybe he was on our side?

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