Friday 9 March 2012

Waiting to wait some more...

Every day of waiting for news from the interviews was pretty awful. I really didn't like how the interview had gone and was really beating myself up about it. The waiting went on and on and on.... eventually we got word on the 9th March that we would find out that day for defo! I had gone straight from college to work which wasn't a great situation as I was checking my phone for emails even more than normal, and just feeling pretty awful.

Then notifications started coming through about people receiving dates. Most of the people that got dates I knew of and had expected good things for them. But time was ticking and still no email! Eventually I got an email through, however it wasn't from Becky (who normally contacts us) but from someone called Michele. And then my heart totally sunk....
"We hope you enjoyed the recent interviews for the Disney International Programs – Cultural Representative Program.
 The Walt Disney World International Recruiters would like to thank you for the time and effort you put into your application and they very much enjoyed meeting you and spending time speaking with you.
 As you are aware the Cultural Representative Program is a highly sought after experience, and the Walt Disney World International Recruitment Team is currently considering you for a role on the program. 
 At this time Disney has extended offers to candidates for arrivals through until December 2012. 
 You are currently being considered for positions starting in 2013 and will receive further information on your application towards the end of June 2012.
 If your availability for the program changes please contact *******
 Once arrival numbers for 2013 have been confirmed we will be communicating with successful candidates.
 We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for all your efforts so far and will be in touch shortly."
Pretty heartbreaking. Between the mood swings I was having, it was difficult to make sense of it all. The gist of it is that they gave out dates for people up to the end of December. They would be giving out more dates for 2012 and early 2013, once Disney got back to them with their requirements. Which meant waiting until the end of June!

 Unless you have gone through all this yourself then it is quite difficult to understand how horrible it is to put your life on hold... and hold... and hold... when theres a big chance you might not get there in the end. Some days I would be feeling really positive, and other days I would be literally kicking myself about my interview and thinking there would be no way of getting the job. I literally don't know what I would have done without the support of all the other Disney wait-ees on facebook. Was so good to be able to rant away to them, knowing they felt the same as I think my friends and family, etc were all getting sick of hearing me talk about it. I would talk to anyone, and I mean ANYONE about Disney lol, I think it helped to keep my sanity just a teeny bit! Then I kept having all sorts of dreams about Disney, or stressy things like all my teeth falling out! 

1 comment:

  1. ah jen, I'm currently on the waitlist for the UK pavillion and it's killing me, ATM it's ok cause I have uni for the next 2 months... but i literally hate waiting. how did you do it ! xx
