FINALLY GOT MY CRB CERTIFICATE THROUGH!!!!! It only took them 6 months andddd.... *drumroll* it turns out I am not a criminal! Woohoo! After waiting for so long a lot of us all started getting them within a couple of days so that was exciting haha!
Just re-read my last post - I need to email the arrivals team. In fact I may do that as soon as I finish this ... unless I get distracted by something which is always a danger with me! Yesterday the last group of CRP applicants got their results from the face to face interviews which is pretty exciting as it means more people to get to know! I had been giving advice to a guy through the WDWIP forum for months and felt like a proud mentor when I found out he was successful!!
I missed out on a Disney meet up :( Very sad face! On Sunday I was originally going to meet with Connor and Lynne (who I haven't met yet) as Lynne was in Glasgow... but I was working. Bah! I was originally meant to finish at 12... then it became 3... and I didn't leave till after half 4! The joys of working in hospitality during December! I've been working long shifts and feel pretty exhausted by it all, but thankfully the party stuff is nearly all over. I had my first staff night out a couple weeks ago and that was fun! Then we were supposed to have our official staff lunch on Sunday there but it was moved to January (meh!) cos we are just too busy. So I arranged to go out with a bunch of staff on the Sunday anyway... another fun night although by the end I was so tired I could have cried! Think I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. Then I ended up going out last night as well and again I was really tired but I managed to make the most of it. Probably not such a bad thing that I've been so tired as it makes me behave myself on nights out!
In other exciting news, I just bought myself a new camera... I really wanted a good one for taking to Florida and ended up spending a small fortune on the new Samsung Galaxy camera. Merry Christmas to me haha!! I think once Christmas and New Year is out the way then I'm pretty much going to become a hermit as I really need to prioritise and start hardcore saving and getting organised!! Only 16 weeks to go now so before I know it, I'll be back off to London to get my visa!
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
It's fricken freezing!!!
December is here and its so damn cold!! Already had snow in Scotland, right now my garden is still covered in it, put my snow boots on for the first time this year yesterday .... kind of glad I'm getting some use out of them as I won't be needing them next year!
And on that note.... 18 weeks today I will be somewhere over the Atlantic! Which reminds me - I need to email my flight details to the arrivals team. My flight schedule was changed a couple of times so I was waiting until it was final before emailing them. Still not had anything back from my Criminal Background Check, but this seems to be true for most people. Everything takes sooooo long!
I've not been sleeping very well recently, I've been working really long shifts and then not being able to sleep until 6-7am and then waking up constantly due to nightmares. Or lying awake nearly in tears thinking about saying goodbye to people, ridiculous I know but there's a few people I'm really going to miss. Then there's thinking about how I'm throwing away a relationship in order to do this. I know I won't regret it but I'm scared of being forgotten about and loosing contact with people :( And now I have a cold and I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself! Work is really busy right now as it kicks into Christmas party nights so I'm really glad I'm off today as I desperately want to feel better before tomorrow! My first Christmas night out is on Thursday and I'm looking forward to it but have a pit of dread in my tummy as my work is soooooooooooooooooo busy the next day and I need to be feeling fresh! My head hurts just thinking about it!
I'm all over the place emotionally lol, I'm just too tired to make myself think sensibly anymore! I had another little Disney meet up a couple weeks ago with Connor, Hayley and Abbie. This time instead of Hayley coming through to Glasgow, we were going to head to Edinburgh which is closer to her but the weather was pretty horrid so we got off the train, she picked us up and we went for lunch at Nandos where it was warm and dry! Although we sat for quite some time talking about all things Disney/CRP related and could tell that the staff were getting annoyed so we went to Starbucks to continue our chat. Then on the train home there was a guy who actually got up and moved to the other side of the carriage to get away from our chat!! We weren't even loud or annoying, he just clearly didn't like our conversation topics! Cheek of him lol!
I'm sure I'll cheer up again, determined to have a good Christmas and make the most of everything and I can't wait to see my little nephew getting spoiled lol!
And on that note.... 18 weeks today I will be somewhere over the Atlantic! Which reminds me - I need to email my flight details to the arrivals team. My flight schedule was changed a couple of times so I was waiting until it was final before emailing them. Still not had anything back from my Criminal Background Check, but this seems to be true for most people. Everything takes sooooo long!
I've not been sleeping very well recently, I've been working really long shifts and then not being able to sleep until 6-7am and then waking up constantly due to nightmares. Or lying awake nearly in tears thinking about saying goodbye to people, ridiculous I know but there's a few people I'm really going to miss. Then there's thinking about how I'm throwing away a relationship in order to do this. I know I won't regret it but I'm scared of being forgotten about and loosing contact with people :( And now I have a cold and I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself! Work is really busy right now as it kicks into Christmas party nights so I'm really glad I'm off today as I desperately want to feel better before tomorrow! My first Christmas night out is on Thursday and I'm looking forward to it but have a pit of dread in my tummy as my work is soooooooooooooooooo busy the next day and I need to be feeling fresh! My head hurts just thinking about it!
I'm all over the place emotionally lol, I'm just too tired to make myself think sensibly anymore! I had another little Disney meet up a couple weeks ago with Connor, Hayley and Abbie. This time instead of Hayley coming through to Glasgow, we were going to head to Edinburgh which is closer to her but the weather was pretty horrid so we got off the train, she picked us up and we went for lunch at Nandos where it was warm and dry! Although we sat for quite some time talking about all things Disney/CRP related and could tell that the staff were getting annoyed so we went to Starbucks to continue our chat. Then on the train home there was a guy who actually got up and moved to the other side of the carriage to get away from our chat!! We weren't even loud or annoying, he just clearly didn't like our conversation topics! Cheek of him lol!
I'm sure I'll cheer up again, determined to have a good Christmas and make the most of everything and I can't wait to see my little nephew getting spoiled lol!
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Disney Weekend!!
Ok... so the "Disney Weekend" was a week ago but I've been busy/tired so will re-cap as best as I can!
We decided not to do the dress up thing as it was getting a bit complicated and our chances of getting in anywhere in central London while dressed up were slim to none. So my Minnie costume will have to wait for another dress up opportunity, after all the drama of it making it to me in the first place. Typical, lol! As I had the whole weekend off I was working the night before leaving so there was a bit of running around at the last minute, which is typical for me. I panic that I won't have things I need, so I end up with way too much! I took more to London than I did to Fuerteventura for a week!
On the Friday I got up early and headed into Glasgow to get the train to London. Connor was in the same train but different carriage... and this was a common theme lol! We had reserved seats for the train to London but not in the same carriage. So we split up again, I find my seat and the woman in the seat next to mines used to be my neighbour! She still lives in the same street I grew up in for 18 years so she was filling me in on everything... I text my mum to tell her who I met... and she replies that she was supposed to meet her daughter for coffee that afternoon. Spooky coincidence! She was headed to Blackpool so didn't go the full journey, after that I had a random woman sit next to me and make conversation with the two women opposite. They literally sat counting down the minutes until dead on 12pm midday, and then cracked open the vodka and Irn Bru, clearly out for a good weekend!
Arrived in London and then I called Adam who had met up with Caroline, so we headed to meet them and then walked to our hostel. Dropped our stuff in our room then we headed downstairs to wait for Heather and Melanie to get there. Highlight moment was going to the bar and getting a glass of wine and the guy was like "ahh... you might as well have the rest of the bottle!" Thanks Mr Hostel Man!
Then an old man proceeded to talk at great length with Connor and I about ... well pretty much his entire life, while we nodded along politely. Adam managed to rescue us and then we headed off for some dinner at Pizza Express.... to be served by a slightly moody but rather attractive server, known only as "DJ4"... lol
Then we headed off to see Wicked!! We were trying to keep costs down so our seats were really far back but it was still really good! Never seen it before and really wanted to, so that's summit off my "life bucket list" haha! After this we were pretty tired and headed back to the hostel for some chat.
The next day we all gradually got up and ready and then headed out on a touristy day. If I could describe it with one word - exhausting! First we went to the Science Museum... but weren't really loving it so we headed to Harrods to see the Disney Princess inspired windows for Christmas! Soooo pretty! Then we headed inside for a wander around and then went upstairs to see the pet store bit and discovered the Disney store up there. Really cute stuff but rather pricey! Then we went to see the extremely cute puppies.... omg. Words can't describe the cuteness!

We did A LOT of walking around, had a perv on the staff in Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch, went to the Disney Store (of course) and also stalked another CRP buddy, Robert, while he was at work. We also went to pizza hut (yup, more pizza) but this time the service was CRAP!!! Waiting around for AGES for everything and anything, actually hopeless. We were pretty exhausted so headed back to the hostel to chill for a little bit before going out again. Which turned into Adam wearing his headphones, listening to Disney songs and miming them and me, Heather and Connor guessing what he was listening to. Cue a lot of laughing and crazy dancing. Eventually we perked up enough to get ready and Robert came over to the hostel when he finished work and we headed out. Went to a little Mexican place for food and a couple of drinks and then did a lot more walking... even in circles for a while. Everywhere was soooo busy and we were so tired... so yeah. Back to the hostel lol! We were a lil bit boring but when we had to be checked out by 10am, the not having a late night seemed quite a good idea!
On Sunday we got up, ready and packed then headed to Starbucks for a couple hours and some more chat. Then we headed off for our different trains home and yet again me and Connor were in different carriages. This time there was no one next to me or directly in front so it was a lot more comfortable than the way down. However after a while there was a rather annoying child with an extremely annoying loud toy that he kept playing with until he fell asleep. Charming....
And that was it! My Disney weekend! There was A LOT of laughs and I really enjoyed getting to meet some more people that I will be spending a year with. If you haven't already, then you should check out Adam's vlog on our weekend (feat. my video of him miming.... there are no words...)
Since then, its been back to work and the daily grind. However I am already planning my next meet up! Should hopefully be within the next week :) ... I feel like the 2013 CRP official meet and greeter haha! It's taking my mind off other things though :) There's been people from other countries getting their arrival dates so there's now a little group for us... it's really growing now! Exciting stuff! Less than a month to find out if I'm getting some more UK peeps as well, which I look forward to!
We decided not to do the dress up thing as it was getting a bit complicated and our chances of getting in anywhere in central London while dressed up were slim to none. So my Minnie costume will have to wait for another dress up opportunity, after all the drama of it making it to me in the first place. Typical, lol! As I had the whole weekend off I was working the night before leaving so there was a bit of running around at the last minute, which is typical for me. I panic that I won't have things I need, so I end up with way too much! I took more to London than I did to Fuerteventura for a week!
On the Friday I got up early and headed into Glasgow to get the train to London. Connor was in the same train but different carriage... and this was a common theme lol! We had reserved seats for the train to London but not in the same carriage. So we split up again, I find my seat and the woman in the seat next to mines used to be my neighbour! She still lives in the same street I grew up in for 18 years so she was filling me in on everything... I text my mum to tell her who I met... and she replies that she was supposed to meet her daughter for coffee that afternoon. Spooky coincidence! She was headed to Blackpool so didn't go the full journey, after that I had a random woman sit next to me and make conversation with the two women opposite. They literally sat counting down the minutes until dead on 12pm midday, and then cracked open the vodka and Irn Bru, clearly out for a good weekend!

Then an old man proceeded to talk at great length with Connor and I about ... well pretty much his entire life, while we nodded along politely. Adam managed to rescue us and then we headed off for some dinner at Pizza Express.... to be served by a slightly moody but rather attractive server, known only as "DJ4"... lol
Then we headed off to see Wicked!! We were trying to keep costs down so our seats were really far back but it was still really good! Never seen it before and really wanted to, so that's summit off my "life bucket list" haha! After this we were pretty tired and headed back to the hostel for some chat.
The next day we all gradually got up and ready and then headed out on a touristy day. If I could describe it with one word - exhausting! First we went to the Science Museum... but weren't really loving it so we headed to Harrods to see the Disney Princess inspired windows for Christmas! Soooo pretty! Then we headed inside for a wander around and then went upstairs to see the pet store bit and discovered the Disney store up there. Really cute stuff but rather pricey! Then we went to see the extremely cute puppies.... omg. Words can't describe the cuteness!

We did A LOT of walking around, had a perv on the staff in Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch, went to the Disney Store (of course) and also stalked another CRP buddy, Robert, while he was at work. We also went to pizza hut (yup, more pizza) but this time the service was CRAP!!! Waiting around for AGES for everything and anything, actually hopeless. We were pretty exhausted so headed back to the hostel to chill for a little bit before going out again. Which turned into Adam wearing his headphones, listening to Disney songs and miming them and me, Heather and Connor guessing what he was listening to. Cue a lot of laughing and crazy dancing. Eventually we perked up enough to get ready and Robert came over to the hostel when he finished work and we headed out. Went to a little Mexican place for food and a couple of drinks and then did a lot more walking... even in circles for a while. Everywhere was soooo busy and we were so tired... so yeah. Back to the hostel lol! We were a lil bit boring but when we had to be checked out by 10am, the not having a late night seemed quite a good idea!
On Sunday we got up, ready and packed then headed to Starbucks for a couple hours and some more chat. Then we headed off for our different trains home and yet again me and Connor were in different carriages. This time there was no one next to me or directly in front so it was a lot more comfortable than the way down. However after a while there was a rather annoying child with an extremely annoying loud toy that he kept playing with until he fell asleep. Charming....
And that was it! My Disney weekend! There was A LOT of laughs and I really enjoyed getting to meet some more people that I will be spending a year with. If you haven't already, then you should check out Adam's vlog on our weekend (feat. my video of him miming.... there are no words...)
Since then, its been back to work and the daily grind. However I am already planning my next meet up! Should hopefully be within the next week :) ... I feel like the 2013 CRP official meet and greeter haha! It's taking my mind off other things though :) There's been people from other countries getting their arrival dates so there's now a little group for us... it's really growing now! Exciting stuff! Less than a month to find out if I'm getting some more UK peeps as well, which I look forward to!
Monday, 29 October 2012
Time flies...
when you're having fun!
Sooooo much has happened in the last month, it feels like every day there's something to do, or someone to see. And if I have no plans then I've been trying to use that time to catch up with people that I haven't seen in a while.
Picking up from my last post (before the mini Disney pack post)... on October 12th I met up with my Disney lovelies, Claire and Hayley and went for some lunch and Disney chat. It's crazy, Claire is actually in the airport in London about to fly out to Florida now and then Hayley is away in February, it's all going by so fast! Once I left them I had some running about for last minute items and then had to head home to pack my bags as I was off to Fuerteventura the next morning!
Helloooooo sunshine! The little island gets a lot of sun and very little rain - although it did rain for nearly a whole day, boooooo! I was with my mum, stepdad and younger brother and although it was good to chill, they did start to annoy me as its difficult being around them all the time! Plus my stepdad can't stay still, he just wants to do stuff ALL THE TIME! And it drives me nuts, I want to lie in the sun, by a pool and move slowly, rotisserie style until I get an even tan. So on a few occasions I stayed back and spent some quality time at the pool while the family went off to do their thing. There was also extremely cheap booze and a visit to a crazy zoo that really did let you get up close and personal to the animals, they practically insisted on it. Patting giraffes and zebras, avoiding snakes and having a HUGE vulture land on me. Gutted though because they had elephants but when we went to see them they were hiding :( Coming home to rain, freezing cold wind, snow.... bleuch!
I'm scared of seagulls and pigeons. So you can imagine my joy when two seconds after I took this photo, the guy threw a bit of meat at my foot and the bird LANDED ON ME. *shudder*
Came home and my Disney pack finally came a day later. Thank god! Worked, shopped, caught up with friends and then this weekend I went out with two of my friends for Halloween! I had work from 3pm until 11:30pm so I had to quickly run out and round to the hotel they were at to get changed and go out. Was a fun night but I was really tired the next day (yesterday) but had to work at 3pm. Boohoo.
In less than two weeks I'm off to London for the Disney catch up weekend! So excited!! Will be sure to take lots photos and have some stories to tell :)
Sooooo much has happened in the last month, it feels like every day there's something to do, or someone to see. And if I have no plans then I've been trying to use that time to catch up with people that I haven't seen in a while.
Picking up from my last post (before the mini Disney pack post)... on October 12th I met up with my Disney lovelies, Claire and Hayley and went for some lunch and Disney chat. It's crazy, Claire is actually in the airport in London about to fly out to Florida now and then Hayley is away in February, it's all going by so fast! Once I left them I had some running about for last minute items and then had to head home to pack my bags as I was off to Fuerteventura the next morning!
Helloooooo sunshine! The little island gets a lot of sun and very little rain - although it did rain for nearly a whole day, boooooo! I was with my mum, stepdad and younger brother and although it was good to chill, they did start to annoy me as its difficult being around them all the time! Plus my stepdad can't stay still, he just wants to do stuff ALL THE TIME! And it drives me nuts, I want to lie in the sun, by a pool and move slowly, rotisserie style until I get an even tan. So on a few occasions I stayed back and spent some quality time at the pool while the family went off to do their thing. There was also extremely cheap booze and a visit to a crazy zoo that really did let you get up close and personal to the animals, they practically insisted on it. Patting giraffes and zebras, avoiding snakes and having a HUGE vulture land on me. Gutted though because they had elephants but when we went to see them they were hiding :( Coming home to rain, freezing cold wind, snow.... bleuch!
I'm scared of seagulls and pigeons. So you can imagine my joy when two seconds after I took this photo, the guy threw a bit of meat at my foot and the bird LANDED ON ME. *shudder*

Came home and my Disney pack finally came a day later. Thank god! Worked, shopped, caught up with friends and then this weekend I went out with two of my friends for Halloween! I had work from 3pm until 11:30pm so I had to quickly run out and round to the hotel they were at to get changed and go out. Was a fun night but I was really tired the next day (yesterday) but had to work at 3pm. Boohoo.
In less than two weeks I'm off to London for the Disney catch up weekend! So excited!! Will be sure to take lots photos and have some stories to tell :)
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
My Disney Pack FINALLY arrived!!!!
This 'lil beauty appeared through my door yesterday.
Very happy as I wanted to hold something real in my hands that told me that I am going to work for Disney!
It's only a single sheet of paper and the look book but it is still really exciting. I also now know that the day my Traditions training starts is the 13th of April (I arrive on the 9th) and what the rate of pay is (as I couldn't remember what they told us before).
I have lots more to update on but I need to go get ready for work :(
Only 166 days to go!
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
It's all getting real now!!
Just booked my flights this morning - woooohooooo!!!!!! SO EXCITED!! IT'S REAL NOW!!!!
Finally got the check that I've been waiting on and it cleared today so first thing this morning, I was up and booked my flight :) I've decided to book with Aer Lingus... originally I was going to book with British Airways but it was a lot more expensive, I'm saving myself £500 this way! And that's even after I added extra luggage (23kg is not enough!) and chose my seat (exit seat... plenty legroom and a chance to get off the plane earlier and avoid some of the queues). It feels so final now!
Next thing will be to buy health insurance, I'm taking four months only as I want to sign up to Disney health insurance as it's meant to be a lot more practical (for those that don't know, you have to have at least 4 months health insurance when you go, after which you can sign up for Disney's employee health insurance which comes out your paycheck, like housing). I've noted down the ones that friends have gone with so will probably follow suit on that. Then it's just a matter of saving until its visa time!
Still no Disney pack!! Loads folk have them now but there's still a few without, very annoying as its been MONTHS since I found out! Only 180 days to go now, when I found out it was 287 so it really does go by fast! In three days I'm off on holiday for a week with the family and then two weeks after I come home, I'm off to London for a Disney meet up weekend! Hopefully this week I'll be having a catch up lunch/drinks session with my two lovely girlies who I met up with before, one of them is off to Florida this month so we are trying to get a catch up before she goes! Exciting month for Disney related things lol!
I've been keeping my eye on the WDWIP boards to see who got interviews, can't believe it's all happening now! So... if someone out there with an interview is reading this, you may be coming out with me on the 9th April!
And in my personal news... it's all been friendships and relationships. Suddenly out the blue, two former very good friends have appeared out the woodwork and have reached out and started talking again. Neither of them know each other, they are from different periods in my life, but it's good that we are talking again. I don't like avoiding people or any of the messyness that comes with it all so it's good that these things are being fixed before I leave. Although by complete coincidence they happen at the same time!
-edit- I did talk a bit about another situation here... but as some people know, its not going well AT ALL. So I've taken it out, no need for painful reminders!
Finally got the check that I've been waiting on and it cleared today so first thing this morning, I was up and booked my flight :) I've decided to book with Aer Lingus... originally I was going to book with British Airways but it was a lot more expensive, I'm saving myself £500 this way! And that's even after I added extra luggage (23kg is not enough!) and chose my seat (exit seat... plenty legroom and a chance to get off the plane earlier and avoid some of the queues). It feels so final now!
Next thing will be to buy health insurance, I'm taking four months only as I want to sign up to Disney health insurance as it's meant to be a lot more practical (for those that don't know, you have to have at least 4 months health insurance when you go, after which you can sign up for Disney's employee health insurance which comes out your paycheck, like housing). I've noted down the ones that friends have gone with so will probably follow suit on that. Then it's just a matter of saving until its visa time!
Still no Disney pack!! Loads folk have them now but there's still a few without, very annoying as its been MONTHS since I found out! Only 180 days to go now, when I found out it was 287 so it really does go by fast! In three days I'm off on holiday for a week with the family and then two weeks after I come home, I'm off to London for a Disney meet up weekend! Hopefully this week I'll be having a catch up lunch/drinks session with my two lovely girlies who I met up with before, one of them is off to Florida this month so we are trying to get a catch up before she goes! Exciting month for Disney related things lol!
I've been keeping my eye on the WDWIP boards to see who got interviews, can't believe it's all happening now! So... if someone out there with an interview is reading this, you may be coming out with me on the 9th April!
And in my personal news... it's all been friendships and relationships. Suddenly out the blue, two former very good friends have appeared out the woodwork and have reached out and started talking again. Neither of them know each other, they are from different periods in my life, but it's good that we are talking again. I don't like avoiding people or any of the messyness that comes with it all so it's good that these things are being fixed before I leave. Although by complete coincidence they happen at the same time!
-edit- I did talk a bit about another situation here... but as some people know, its not going well AT ALL. So I've taken it out, no need for painful reminders!
Monday, 24 September 2012
Happy birthday to me!
Ok, so my birthday was actually three days ago but whatever! In case anyone's wondering, I went for dinner with the family and then out for drinks with friends. However, because of a last minute rush with my sister, I never got my cupcake cake complete with Minnie Mouse candles! My mum made a bunch of cupcakes and had bought Minnie Mouse candles.... those candles are still in the packet :( My family went up to Aviemore the day after my birthday, before I had even woken up so no candle blowing for me this year!
I've received money from my mum and grandparents but have no presents either , as my sister forgot to bring hers (she still has baby brain), I've not seen my older brother and my best friend still has hers in her car after ducking out early. One of my friends had a bit of an emotional breakdown so I brought her back to my house (don't think my mum was amused) and my dress was actually too big so I had to sew it to my bra to stop it falling down. This is actually not the worst birthday I've had though, there's been much much worse so I'm taking it all in my stride lol! Can't believe I'm now 28. Damn I'm old!!!!
I did get a rather fab present on my birthday though! I was REALLY hoping for my Disney pack through as more people have got theirs, and they found out AFTER me that they were going! This didn't happen but just before 5pm I got an email with my compensation offer from the car accident 8 months ago when coming back from the first interview! So I can now book flights, stress free :):) Just need the cheque to come now! So excited as it will pay my flights with money left over, just need to decide what it should be used for.
Its 196 days to go now, 91 days have passed! Time really does fly! Soooooo much going on in the next couple months to look forward to, and I keep adding to the list lol! My sisters birthday is on the 1st October and that's when people are meant to find out who is getting interviews for the next batch of interviews. I've been watching a lot of what's going on the WDWIP boards, so will be interesting to see who gets a first interview, both for the CRP and ICP.
I'm sure there's other stuff I was going to talk about but for the life of me I can't remember! Got a very sore tummy so heading to bed to watch Disney films and chill out!
I've received money from my mum and grandparents but have no presents either , as my sister forgot to bring hers (she still has baby brain), I've not seen my older brother and my best friend still has hers in her car after ducking out early. One of my friends had a bit of an emotional breakdown so I brought her back to my house (don't think my mum was amused) and my dress was actually too big so I had to sew it to my bra to stop it falling down. This is actually not the worst birthday I've had though, there's been much much worse so I'm taking it all in my stride lol! Can't believe I'm now 28. Damn I'm old!!!!
I did get a rather fab present on my birthday though! I was REALLY hoping for my Disney pack through as more people have got theirs, and they found out AFTER me that they were going! This didn't happen but just before 5pm I got an email with my compensation offer from the car accident 8 months ago when coming back from the first interview! So I can now book flights, stress free :):) Just need the cheque to come now! So excited as it will pay my flights with money left over, just need to decide what it should be used for.
Its 196 days to go now, 91 days have passed! Time really does fly! Soooooo much going on in the next couple months to look forward to, and I keep adding to the list lol! My sisters birthday is on the 1st October and that's when people are meant to find out who is getting interviews for the next batch of interviews. I've been watching a lot of what's going on the WDWIP boards, so will be interesting to see who gets a first interview, both for the CRP and ICP.
I'm sure there's other stuff I was going to talk about but for the life of me I can't remember! Got a very sore tummy so heading to bed to watch Disney films and chill out!
Monday, 10 September 2012
Waiting... but good waiting!
Still no Disney pack! I know that it includes very little - just the look book and a letter but I so want it! Some people have started getting theirs for next years arrival dates so hopefully soon!
I've being a bit boring recently, all I seem to do is sleep, work and go to the gym when I have the time! So I'm trying to remedy that!... Although my work is currently a bit chaotic with various people taking holidays, it means a lot of extra hours. The next few months are looking up though! My birthday is on the 21st September... I'm going to be sooooo old lol! Then the first October is my sister's birthday, on the 7th I'm going to see Kevin Bridges with my best mate (Kevin Bridges is a very popular Scottish comedian). Then on the 13th I'm off to Spain (Fuerteventura) for a week with my mum, stepdad and younger brother. The 14th October is then my mums birthday. Then on the 9th November I'm off to London for a Disney weekend! Some of my fellow CRP's are planning a weekend of catching up - and I'm so excited! I love this sort of adventure lol!
So there's a lot going on and A LOT to save for! Thankfully because of the amount of overtime I'm doing, my wage is going to be increased for a few weeks at least so there's some piece of mind. April seems so far away ... but its only 209 days now, about 80 have passed since I found out and that has defo flown in so I know that it will come in good time! Almost every person from the wait group has a date now, they have been told to reapply but there's still a chance they will get a date. And I really hope they do. A lot of dates have been jiggled about, people that were told they were going in March are now going in April! So there's an extra person on my date now. If there's any others out there - let yourself be known!!!

So there's a lot going on and A LOT to save for! Thankfully because of the amount of overtime I'm doing, my wage is going to be increased for a few weeks at least so there's some piece of mind. April seems so far away ... but its only 209 days now, about 80 have passed since I found out and that has defo flown in so I know that it will come in good time! Almost every person from the wait group has a date now, they have been told to reapply but there's still a chance they will get a date. And I really hope they do. A lot of dates have been jiggled about, people that were told they were going in March are now going in April! So there's an extra person on my date now. If there's any others out there - let yourself be known!!!
Monday, 27 August 2012
Different roles available for UK CRP
Thought I would talk a bit about the different roles available to people who are applying for the UK Cultural Representative Program (CRP).
If you are wanting to do the year long program (CRP) then the roles available are in Food & Beverage, Merchandise (Merch) and working at the Historical Research Centre (HRC). These are all based at the UK Pavillion on the World Showcase at Epcot. You cannot work anywhere else as the terms of your visa say so.
If you are wanting to do the summer program for students, the International College Program (ICP) then there are a lot of different roles available. These can be anywhere in the parks and there's all sorts of options - ie; working in a quick service or full service restaurant, working in merchandise, working in attractions (operating the rides), custodial, lifeguard, and working in the quick service kitchens. You get to list your preferences at the interviews but won't necessarily get your first choice so you need to be flexible!
I'm not a huge expert on this program but more information about the different roles can be found here!
Sooo... I'll put down some information now and will update/edit when I need to. It could be of use now as the CRP applications are open now :)
Food & Beverage
If you are wanting to do the year long program (CRP) then the roles available are in Food & Beverage, Merchandise (Merch) and working at the Historical Research Centre (HRC). These are all based at the UK Pavillion on the World Showcase at Epcot. You cannot work anywhere else as the terms of your visa say so.
If you are wanting to do the summer program for students, the International College Program (ICP) then there are a lot of different roles available. These can be anywhere in the parks and there's all sorts of options - ie; working in a quick service or full service restaurant, working in merchandise, working in attractions (operating the rides), custodial, lifeguard, and working in the quick service kitchens. You get to list your preferences at the interviews but won't necessarily get your first choice so you need to be flexible!
I'm not a huge expert on this program but more information about the different roles can be found here!
Sooo... I'll put down some information now and will update/edit when I need to. It could be of use now as the CRP applications are open now :)
Food & Beverage
- There is a range of roles available, but you need to start at the bottom and work your way up - if you choose to. Some people are happy to not go into tipped roles.
- Tipped v's non tipped - When you start, you receive an hourly wage but no tips/gratuity. Certain roles such as podium host are not allowed to receive tips. If you do go on to a tipped position then you earn less money hourly (and by quite a bit) but do have the opportunity to earn tips.
- Non tipped positions where you would expect to start your work/training are in the chippy, serving customers and making orders. Or at the podium where you take reservations and check people into the restaurant.
- Before you can go on to actually serving tables or behind the bar then you need to study and take part in assessments.
- There are also roles in rotation such as at the beer cart or as a stocker.
- If you want to work in F&B then you need to be prepared to do chores such as using tills/reservation systems, taking orders and serving guests (who may or may not speak English), emptying trash, changing kegs, clearing and resetting tables, cleaning down at the end of the night. You have to also be prepared to work outside or inside.
- Authentically representing your country and be willing to share your culture with others.
(I know less of this role, because I have always wanted to work in F&B but this is what I can tell you)
- Merch involves working in the variety of shops or outdoor carts that are in the UK pavilion.
- You need to be able to demonstrate or help people with buying merchandise.
- You will use a till and need to be confident in taking different types of payment and speaking to people from all sorts of countries (you will be selling British merchandise, so you can expect to be serving a lot of non-Brits).
- Merch is a non tipped position.
- You need to be able to stock shelves and carts and maintain the cleanliness of both.
- Merchandise also involves working in Kidcot. There is a Kidcot at each pavilion, and children (and some excited adults) come in and do small crafts with a cut-out of a Duffy bear. They then take their Duffy bear to the next kidcot and add another little bit onto it. The role of the CM here is to organise crafts, interact with the guests and keep the place in a state of cleanliness.
- And as expected... authentically representing your country and be willing to share your culture with others.
Historical Research Centre
- This role is a bit different from the others. It is run by a non-Disney company that operates on WDW property at the merchandise/heraldry store at the UK Pavilion.
- It is like Merch as you will work in a shop, use a till and perform similar tasks but you receive different benefits and pay a slighter higher rate of rent.
- Some people dis-regard this role because of less company benefits, but if you are interested in a future job that involves British history, then it could be a good point for your CV.
- If you make it to the second interviews then you will be given a separate form to fill in to state your interest and the recruiters will talk to you about it and can answer all/any questions you may have
With anything in life, it's what you make of your situation. So if you want to work in any of these roles then don't let anyone else's opinion get you down. Some work days are good, some bad but this is true of any job!
Thursday, 23 August 2012
CRP Applications are open!

Before, the website had said that they wouldn't be opening until November until January, like last year. But today they announced on facebook that they had opened. So there's a very good chance that these new applicants will be coming with me on my arrival date as at the moment there is only two of us with this date.
I got seriously butterflies in my tummy when I saw this, I think my brain may have finally registered that the application process is over for me and I am actually going!
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
More on the Pre Selection Event (for CRP/ ICP)
I've decided to write a bit more on the pre selection for the Cultural Representative Program (CRP) as its been discovered that the International College Program (ICP) is also going to do a pre screening event now instead of the telephone interview.
A lot of people are getting themselves in a pickle over it and it does not have to be that stressful. I had so much fun on mines and all that travelling about has got me feeling like I can do the big flight to Florida (although its more likely going to be a bunch of stopovers) by myself. I met so many people and it's really reassuring to know that they will be out there with me. All of the girls that met for lunch before the pre selection have now got dates.. there's defo something to be said for making friends!
So my advice for the pre screening would be:
A lot of people are getting themselves in a pickle over it and it does not have to be that stressful. I had so much fun on mines and all that travelling about has got me feeling like I can do the big flight to Florida (although its more likely going to be a bunch of stopovers) by myself. I met so many people and it's really reassuring to know that they will be out there with me. All of the girls that met for lunch before the pre selection have now got dates.. there's defo something to be said for making friends!
So my advice for the pre screening would be:
- Get yourself added to the Facebook page for applicants, as soon as interview dates are given out then your page will tend to go a bit crazy with posts.
- If you have a date then either make an event for that specific interview (there will be different dates and times) or get added into the correct one and make sure people are joining.
- You can then organise with others to meet up before or go for dinner after, pick travel buddies or someone to share accommodation with to keep costs down.
- Do a bit of research on what is appropriate to wear - the Disney look, etc and if you need to change your hair colour, etc then plan on how to do this.
- Have a good think about the sort of questions they will ask, do your research. Also research on what not to answer! The main question will obviously be something about "why the ICP/CRP?" This answer is an important one so make note cards, get yourself familiar with answering the question. Have family members or friends ask you questions until you feel comfortable about it. Break that question down - why do you want to be part of the International College Program or Cultural Representative Program? And if its because you really love Florida and want to move to the States then this might not be right for you. These programs are a lot of hard work so its going to take a lot of dedication.
- If your a bit awkward around strangers then try working on getting out of your comfort zone. I've spoke in previous posts about handshakes... small things can matter. You don't have to grin like a mental Cheshire cat all the time, but looking genuinely interested and approachable is a good way to be.
- Remember your manners! And be on time!
- The interviewer asks questions, one at a time and everyone has a chance to answer. Don't feel like you have to jump in first, if you want to something then you will get your chance! Its better to give yourself a minute to go over the answer in your head than coming out with word vomit.
- Be interested in other peoples answers.. everyone is different and can have some interesting stories to tell (this is especially true with people that have completed a program before)
- Don't be put off by those that have done a program before or feel intimidated, in my experience they have some good stories and can be really helpful.
It's a really good opportunity to show YJ the best of yourself so make the most of it. But if your properly prepared then you won't need to overly stress and can just enjoy it! :)
Monday, 13 August 2012
7 weeks down, 34 to go!
So seven weeks have gone by and still no Disney pack or confirmation of date! But there could be good reasoning for this as today another group of people that were still waiting, got an arrival date! There have been a couple of people that had phone calls already but today there was a significant sized group that got the answer they were looking for.
When the last couple of days have been a bit crappy, this sort of thing really cheers me up! My Facebook and my phone alerts start going crazy whenever there's some Disney related news, even my brother was laughing at the amount of times my phone went off! Still only two people with my arrival date and I cannot wait till I find out who else is coming with us! All of the girlies that went for lunch before the pre-screening interview have now got into the CRP so it was definitely a good thing!
When the last couple of days have been a bit crappy, this sort of thing really cheers me up! My Facebook and my phone alerts start going crazy whenever there's some Disney related news, even my brother was laughing at the amount of times my phone went off! Still only two people with my arrival date and I cannot wait till I find out who else is coming with us! All of the girlies that went for lunch before the pre-screening interview have now got into the CRP so it was definitely a good thing!
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Good day and good news!
My family got back from their travels to Canada last night but I was working so didn't see them until today. So didn't get all their news until today! But it was exciting news.....
Apart from my "good news" (lol), my sister and little baby Riley came over. Can't believe he's a month old already, such a wee cute dude. My poor sister is exhausted from dealing with him all day while her boyfriend is at work so she was looking forward to my mum helping her out. My mum and stepdad took the baby to visit my stepdad's parents and then my mum took him for a walk in his pram, so my sister used that chance to actually eat something for a change. I made spag bol for everyone for dinner and when Riley woke up, he got him his bottle and then changed him into his pjs before he headed home to bed. Actually love that wee baby so much lol, was right in there getting my cuddles, taking photos and tickling his wee chubby cheeks to make him smile... eeeee!
So ok... calm myself down from my baby high (I can't help it, I'm broody and old remember?!)...
The exciting news is that my mum's cousin has bought a house to do up in Sarasota, Florida. WOOHOO!! My uncle (his dad) used to have a condo in St. Augustine that we went to when we were little and we loved it, but then they sold it. So they are talking about how my family could fly over next summer and stay there, WHILE I'M THERE!! My uncle and aunt are planning on spending 3 months during the winter there as well which means they are fairly close by as well. Now the house just needs to get fixed up in time for April so lots of family will come and visit Florida while I'm there... and make me feel popular lol!
This really is good news as I didn't think that my mum would come over while I was there and was kind of accepting that I wouldn't see anyone for a year, so now I have even more to look forward to! Still doesn't feel real though.
Friday, 27 July 2012
Nearly 5 weeks already!
Can't believe its been 5 weeks since I found out my arrival date. It feels longer! Was tidying up and found the Disney International Programme booklet that we all received at the second interview. It's really making me want to get the Disney Information Pack soon!! With a confirmed date so I can go back to looking at flights. Next week will be coming into August and I can't wait to find out who else will be coming out with us! Should be about another 8 weeks before the CRB results are back at YJ and then I can breathe easy. Even though I've not done anything, you still worry!
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Getting older sucks!!!!
Warning... this could be a bit rant-like at times. Just because I am so mad whenever I think of it!
So almost right after I got "the email" I asked STA travel for a quote for a one way flight. I heard conflicting things and so I wanted to find out whats what. Turns out that if your older than 26 (which I am), you get a bum deal. If your under 26 or a student you can get Virgin flights for around £300 one way. For me its going to be at least 3 times that amount. Seems unfair that Yummy Travel (which seems to be a bit of STA working specifically for YJ's) can't do anything to help me out even though it says in the email sent out ...
"What are the benefits of booking with the Yummy Travel Team? - Offer exclusive fares and products for all customers, irrelevant of age or student status"
The email I got back seemed to have a bit of a grumpy attitude so going to leave it a bit and then maybe try contacting YJ direct to ask. I was looking at maybe flying via Iceland/Belfast/Amsterdam as these can be cheaper option but that means arriving quite late. When you consider how much time I would then spent in customs before getting my luggage, getting to Vista Way and eventually getting to my apartment... its not practical. So I thought well I could go the day before, stay in a nearby hotel/motel? The latest on the grapevine is that as of 2013, we aren't allowed to enter the country before our arrival date! Becky from YJ has confirmed this to a few people. So basically I have to fork out for the mega expensive flight. I have no idea how the hell this is going to be achieveable and its making me pretty wound up!
For now I'm trying to put it to the back of my mind until August when the rest of the waiting list should be finding out for defo about getting dates. At the moment there's just me and one other leaving on my date (although we have the same name, just to confuse people!) but I'm hoping for more people to add to our little group! Since I got "the email" theres been a few people contacted and offered jobs for this year. And even one for 3 weeks from now! Crazy! While thats exciting I really couldn't leave with only 3 weeks notice, its really not practical. Hopefully the flights situation will work out.... meh.....
In the spirit of ending this post on a happy note.... a 'lil bit of Tangled happiness! Might go watch it in my bed now... hmmmm....
So almost right after I got "the email" I asked STA travel for a quote for a one way flight. I heard conflicting things and so I wanted to find out whats what. Turns out that if your older than 26 (which I am), you get a bum deal. If your under 26 or a student you can get Virgin flights for around £300 one way. For me its going to be at least 3 times that amount. Seems unfair that Yummy Travel (which seems to be a bit of STA working specifically for YJ's) can't do anything to help me out even though it says in the email sent out ...
"What are the benefits of booking with the Yummy Travel Team? - Offer exclusive fares and products for all customers, irrelevant of age or student status"
The email I got back seemed to have a bit of a grumpy attitude so going to leave it a bit and then maybe try contacting YJ direct to ask. I was looking at maybe flying via Iceland/Belfast/Amsterdam as these can be cheaper option but that means arriving quite late. When you consider how much time I would then spent in customs before getting my luggage, getting to Vista Way and eventually getting to my apartment... its not practical. So I thought well I could go the day before, stay in a nearby hotel/motel? The latest on the grapevine is that as of 2013, we aren't allowed to enter the country before our arrival date! Becky from YJ has confirmed this to a few people. So basically I have to fork out for the mega expensive flight. I have no idea how the hell this is going to be achieveable and its making me pretty wound up!
For now I'm trying to put it to the back of my mind until August when the rest of the waiting list should be finding out for defo about getting dates. At the moment there's just me and one other leaving on my date (although we have the same name, just to confuse people!) but I'm hoping for more people to add to our little group! Since I got "the email" theres been a few people contacted and offered jobs for this year. And even one for 3 weeks from now! Crazy! While thats exciting I really couldn't leave with only 3 weeks notice, its really not practical. Hopefully the flights situation will work out.... meh.....
In the spirit of ending this post on a happy note.... a 'lil bit of Tangled happiness! Might go watch it in my bed now... hmmmm....
Disney meet ups are the best!
Ok soooooooooo..........
The way I've started my blogging may confuse some people so I thought I would explain myself a bit. I wanted to do a blog for myself so I can look back on what I did and not forget things, but also so that I could pass on some of the advice I received.
As I hear more and more peoples Disney story I've seen that a lot of people that now have places, had previously applied 2-3+ times and not got a place. I wish I knew this a few months ago when I was crying "why not me?!" I feel extremely lucky that I actually did get a place, and on my first try! I really did get a lot of good advice and help with the interviews so if that information can be of use to someone else then I'm happy to share!
I didn't want to start blogging until I got a place because I know that if I didn't get the job it could turn into some pretty depressing reading lol, so I kept a kinda list of posts I wanted to make. Once I found out and I felt up to it, I started blogging from the beginning of the application process and changed the dates of the posts so that they fit into the right timeline of things! I like to ramble on a bit so that took a while but tadaaaaaa...... I am finally up to date! (or I will be shortly lol, think I may split this entry as its getting a 'lil lengthy!)
The reason that I have finally got up to date with the blogging is because I have taken a two week "stay-cation". My mum, stepdad and younger brother are in Canada for my cousins wedding and some travelling through Vancouver to Calgary. I decided that this would be a good time for me to take off as I live with them and I need the peace and quiet! I used to have my own place but gave it up when I went back to college and now there's no point in getting somewhere new until after Florida! So its been me and the cat. Exciting times lol! But its given me some much needed time to just chill out and catch up with stuff. I made dinner at my sisters for her and her boyfriend (it was all a ruse so I can see the baby lol), went shopping, joined the gym, met up with a friend and got minging drunk (as much as I love tequila, it doesn't always love me back), etc etc....
But one of the most exciting things was having a little Disney meet up! Yayyyy!!! Myself and two other Scottish girls met up in Glasgow for a wonder round the Disney store (it's really difficult to not tell everyone in the shop, I literally want to grab strangers and scream "I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!!" in their faces, scary)... then went to a Wetherspoons for food, a drink and a lot of Disney chat. One of them is headed out in October so she had loads to tell us about all the stuff we need to organise. Exciting if a little scary! It feels good to talk to people about the whole CRP and Disney stuff without having to explain every little thing, all the time. Sometimes I feel like I spent a ridiculous amount of time talking about Epcot lol. Oh well, better get used to it!
On a completely random note... people are reading my blog! Yay! I wondered if it would just disappear into the wonders of the web but its getting more views every day. Woop! :)
The way I've started my blogging may confuse some people so I thought I would explain myself a bit. I wanted to do a blog for myself so I can look back on what I did and not forget things, but also so that I could pass on some of the advice I received.
As I hear more and more peoples Disney story I've seen that a lot of people that now have places, had previously applied 2-3+ times and not got a place. I wish I knew this a few months ago when I was crying "why not me?!" I feel extremely lucky that I actually did get a place, and on my first try! I really did get a lot of good advice and help with the interviews so if that information can be of use to someone else then I'm happy to share!
I didn't want to start blogging until I got a place because I know that if I didn't get the job it could turn into some pretty depressing reading lol, so I kept a kinda list of posts I wanted to make. Once I found out and I felt up to it, I started blogging from the beginning of the application process and changed the dates of the posts so that they fit into the right timeline of things! I like to ramble on a bit so that took a while but tadaaaaaa...... I am finally up to date! (or I will be shortly lol, think I may split this entry as its getting a 'lil lengthy!)
The reason that I have finally got up to date with the blogging is because I have taken a two week "stay-cation". My mum, stepdad and younger brother are in Canada for my cousins wedding and some travelling through Vancouver to Calgary. I decided that this would be a good time for me to take off as I live with them and I need the peace and quiet! I used to have my own place but gave it up when I went back to college and now there's no point in getting somewhere new until after Florida! So its been me and the cat. Exciting times lol! But its given me some much needed time to just chill out and catch up with stuff. I made dinner at my sisters for her and her boyfriend (it was all a ruse so I can see the baby lol), went shopping, joined the gym, met up with a friend and got minging drunk (as much as I love tequila, it doesn't always love me back), etc etc....
But one of the most exciting things was having a little Disney meet up! Yayyyy!!! Myself and two other Scottish girls met up in Glasgow for a wonder round the Disney store (it's really difficult to not tell everyone in the shop, I literally want to grab strangers and scream "I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!!" in their faces, scary)... then went to a Wetherspoons for food, a drink and a lot of Disney chat. One of them is headed out in October so she had loads to tell us about all the stuff we need to organise. Exciting if a little scary! It feels good to talk to people about the whole CRP and Disney stuff without having to explain every little thing, all the time. Sometimes I feel like I spent a ridiculous amount of time talking about Epcot lol. Oh well, better get used to it!
On a completely random note... people are reading my blog! Yay! I wondered if it would just disappear into the wonders of the web but its getting more views every day. Woop! :)
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Living the life of Riley!
Ok... so I mentioned a few times that my sister was pregnant and her baby was due around the same time as the results email. I fully expected the results and her labour all to happen on the same day but it turned out that I found out on a Monday and then on the Saturday, my little nephew was born!
Little Riley Joel... who already has more Disney toys and clothes than most kids haha! Will be really sad not to see him for a whole year when I leave but at least I have until April to spoil him!
Monday, 2 July 2012
What happens next? ... part 2
As well as the email with the check list, there is another email with important information that talks about some of the conditions, etc. The most important points are:
- Roles cannot be changed after acceptance.
- You may purchase medical insurance for either the full duration of the program (12 months) or for the first four months. After four months you will be eligible to obtain your insurance through the Disney Medical Plan.
- You must arrive and depart company sponsored housing on designated program arrival and departure dates. We are not able to accommodate an earlier arrival date to company sponsored housing or arrange for housing past the program end date – You must arrive in the USA on your scheduled arrival date and not before this.
- Your passport must be valid for 6 months following your program end date – if your passport expires before this period then please begin the process of renewal now.
I had to wait a few days until I could send off my CRB form as I needed to fix my paypal account as I had new bank details. I also emailed Becky as one of the forms of ID required (photocopies for the CRB) said driving license or National Insurance card. I only have my provisional license and lost my NI card a lonnnnnnnnnng time ago so I asked if a P60 or something with my NI number on it would be of use. However, Becky said that just a copy of my provisional license was fine so that was one less worry!
Its also exciting as my Yummy Jobs profile now has stuff on it haha! Before it just said something along the lines of "you have not yet been accepted for any program" ... but now there's copies of stuff from the emails as well as info about travel/flights/housing/arrival.... Yay!!! :) Now that all the CRB stuff is out the way, I just need to wait on hearing good news back from that! The next very exciting step is to receive the Disney Information Pack! This takes around 5 weeks so I'm hoping the postman is on good form and gets it here soon!
So what happens next.. part 1
After freaking out for a bit and letting the whole wide world know that I got the job :) ... I went back and read the email properly. Near the bottom it says
Becky then sent back a short email to say that there would be step by step instructions to follow emailed to me (and the other successful applicants) on the 2nd July. So until then it was just a matter of celebrating and being in a bit of a daze. I'm not sure yet if its hit me or not??
It also says in the congratulations email, that actual dates are still subject to change so not to book flights yet. Its worthwhile reading these emails a few times to make sure you know what to do/expect!
On the 2nd July, sure enough a big email came through from Yummy Jobs. Included with this is some instructions and a big check list. It mentioned that the CRB forms would be sent out to us in the post and we should send them back with all the necessary documents, ASAP. The CRB form is basically a criminal check that is carried out by Yummy Jobs. If they deem the results to be satisfactory then its a yes, otherwise its a no. They then tell Disney if its a yes or no. The results are then destroyed, unless you want a copy. Disney doesn't find out any of the details on it, just if Yummy have approved or not. This is a really important process and you can't continue without it. They give really clear instructions on how to fill it in and tell you how to pay by paypal.
Once you receive the form, you fill it in as instructed (and its really not difficult!) and then include photocopies of the required documents (as YJ would have seen the originals at the interviews). You also need to include a print out of the paypal receipt to show that you have paid the £60. Then you put it all in an envelope, put YJ's address on it and send it by recorded delivery (just for safety, seeing as all your lifes information is basically in that envelope!).
"In order to accept your position please reply directly to this email by no later than ****"So I sent back a very enthusiastic and happy yes and thank you!!!!!
Becky then sent back a short email to say that there would be step by step instructions to follow emailed to me (and the other successful applicants) on the 2nd July. So until then it was just a matter of celebrating and being in a bit of a daze. I'm not sure yet if its hit me or not??
It also says in the congratulations email, that actual dates are still subject to change so not to book flights yet. Its worthwhile reading these emails a few times to make sure you know what to do/expect!
On the 2nd July, sure enough a big email came through from Yummy Jobs. Included with this is some instructions and a big check list. It mentioned that the CRB forms would be sent out to us in the post and we should send them back with all the necessary documents, ASAP. The CRB form is basically a criminal check that is carried out by Yummy Jobs. If they deem the results to be satisfactory then its a yes, otherwise its a no. They then tell Disney if its a yes or no. The results are then destroyed, unless you want a copy. Disney doesn't find out any of the details on it, just if Yummy have approved or not. This is a really important process and you can't continue without it. They give really clear instructions on how to fill it in and tell you how to pay by paypal.
Once you receive the form, you fill it in as instructed (and its really not difficult!) and then include photocopies of the required documents (as YJ would have seen the originals at the interviews). You also need to include a print out of the paypal receipt to show that you have paid the £60. Then you put it all in an envelope, put YJ's address on it and send it by recorded delivery (just for safety, seeing as all your lifes information is basically in that envelope!).
Monday, 25 June 2012
Best email EVER!!!!
On Monday 25th June, around lunchtime, there was some sudden activity in the Facebook group for those waiting to hear from Disney. People were all talking about an email that they got but I had no idea what it said and was refreshing my email like crazy trying to find out! Elle sent me a PM as she had more details through someone and it basically said the same thing as the 9th March email but that people had to wait until August!
I didn't know what to make of this yet (still having no email) and wondering if this would be a good thing so went downstairs to talk to my mum. Came back up about 5-10mins later and there in my email was a mail from Becky at Yummy Jobs. Opened the email and it said....
I was shaking pretty badly and couldn't wait to share it with everyone but could barely type. Eventually I managed to leave a message on my Facebook and on the FB groups and then sent a completely maniac text to the few people I have a number for to tell them to get checking their email PRONTO!!
As time went by, everyone posted their results on FB and it was looking like a lot more people were told to wait than got a date. Those that were given dates are from January 2013 - end of June 2013. I was extremely happy about a certain few people that also got dates but was genuinely a bit gutted for a few that didn't. Made me feel like our wee group had been torn in two again but with so few people with dates in 2013, I know that more people will get through!
I didn't know what to make of this yet (still having no email) and wondering if this would be a good thing so went downstairs to talk to my mum. Came back up about 5-10mins later and there in my email was a mail from Becky at Yummy Jobs. Opened the email and it said....
"Dear Jennifer,
Greetings from the Yummy Jobs Team and the Walt Disney World Resort!
We very much enjoyed meeting with you during our recruitment trip throughout the UK. We met many fantastic candidates during the trip and Disney was very impressed with the quality of all applications.
After reviewing your application and interview we are delighted to be the first to say
You have been offered a place on Disney’s Cultural Representative Program.
Your role in the show will be in Food and Beverage.
Your program with Disney will commence on April 9th 2013 and conclude on April 4th 2014."Now this email looks pretty easy to read... the big red letters in the middle are a bit of a giveaway. But for the life of me, I couldn't focus my eyes and take any of it in! I was in a completely weird place and my eyes went blurry as I was shaking and the first words I could make out were "Food and Beverage", "show" and "April".... kinda trigged in my brain that this was a good thing so tried reading it again before screaming for my mum, running down the stairs (no easy feat when you can't walk without limping) and hysterically crying lol!
I was shaking pretty badly and couldn't wait to share it with everyone but could barely type. Eventually I managed to leave a message on my Facebook and on the FB groups and then sent a completely maniac text to the few people I have a number for to tell them to get checking their email PRONTO!!
As time went by, everyone posted their results on FB and it was looking like a lot more people were told to wait than got a date. Those that were given dates are from January 2013 - end of June 2013. I was extremely happy about a certain few people that also got dates but was genuinely a bit gutted for a few that didn't. Made me feel like our wee group had been torn in two again but with so few people with dates in 2013, I know that more people will get through!
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Waiting, waiting......
As the waiting continued there were a few people (myself included) that were really going a bit stir crazy. After the email on the 9th March, a few more people had been given dates for 2012, and you can't help but think that while you're happy for them - why not me? I was happy not to be going until 2013 (more time to save and generally get my life in order) but I just really wanted some sort of confirmation that it was all going to work out! Throughout June I tried to be more positive by changing my fb background pictures to those of Disney photos or Disney related stuff to make me smile every time I looked at them. And not break down and cry haha! By this point I was really wound up and was becoming more and more convinced that we wouldn't hear until the last possible day.
My sisters baby was due on the 18th June and he wasn't ready to make his appearance yet either, so I tried to put it all to the back of my mind..... and to stop going onnnnnnn and onnnnnnn about it to people! I had told so many people however, that everyone kept asking me if I'd heard yet and I every time I said no I'm still waiting, I could feel judgement. Like they didn't believe it was real, or that I would ever get it. Annoying!
My sisters baby was due on the 18th June and he wasn't ready to make his appearance yet either, so I tried to put it all to the back of my mind..... and to stop going onnnnnnn and onnnnnnn about it to people! I had told so many people however, that everyone kept asking me if I'd heard yet and I every time I said no I'm still waiting, I could feel judgement. Like they didn't believe it was real, or that I would ever get it. Annoying!
Monday, 30 April 2012
How to keep yourself sane while waiting!
The waiting between the email on the 9th March and the end of June was a really hard, trying experience. In an effort to make the best of things and keep myself motivated there was quite a few things I did to keep myself motivated, and here's a list (in no particular order)
- Random trips to the Disney Store - gives a warm feeling in my tummy every time lol!
- Building on my Disney DVD collection - I have a HUGE collection of DVDs and so I decided to buy more Disney ones and catch up with Disney films that I haven't seen yet.
- DMR points - when building up the DVD collection, I really got into Disney Movie Reward points. Save them up and get more free DVDs!
- Buying lots of Disney themed baby presents - my sister was also due her baby in late June so I had two big things to look forward to! Once I found out she was having a boy, I was mega excited to buy lots of cute little outfits for him.
- Speaking to my Disney Facebook pals. Could never have got through all that waiting on my own, and it's weird how close you can to people that you may only have briefly met once if at all!
- Reading lots of CRP blogs. I've read countless blogs, and then re-read some of them. Have noticed that a lot of them focus on what they have eaten, for every meal, every day! There's also a couple where it seems that they didn't make the most of their time there. I am determined to never becoming one of those people!
- Getting bikini ready! I know I won't be happy unless I loose a good amount of weight and so I started off by getting out more and doing long walks when I wasn't working. I have a really painful foot condition called Plantar Fasciitis but I was determined to see it through! A little later I joined my local slimming club. I used them once before and did manage to loose a fairly decent amount but I am determined not to give up this time!
Friday, 9 March 2012
Waiting to wait some more...
Every day of waiting for news from the interviews was pretty awful. I really didn't like how the interview had gone and was really beating myself up about it. The waiting went on and on and on.... eventually we got word on the 9th March that we would find out that day for defo! I had gone straight from college to work which wasn't a great situation as I was checking my phone for emails even more than normal, and just feeling pretty awful.
Then notifications started coming through about people receiving dates. Most of the people that got dates I knew of and had expected good things for them. But time was ticking and still no email! Eventually I got an email through, however it wasn't from Becky (who normally contacts us) but from someone called Michele. And then my heart totally sunk....
Pretty heartbreaking. Between the mood swings I was having, it was difficult to make sense of it all. The gist of it is that they gave out dates for people up to the end of December. They would be giving out more dates for 2012 and early 2013, once Disney got back to them with their requirements. Which meant waiting until the end of June!"We hope you enjoyed the recent interviews for the Disney International Programs – Cultural Representative Program.The Walt Disney World International Recruiters would like to thank you for the time and effort you put into your application and they very much enjoyed meeting you and spending time speaking with you.As you are aware the Cultural Representative Program is a highly sought after experience, and the Walt Disney World International Recruitment Team is currently considering you for a role on the program.At this time Disney has extended offers to candidates for arrivals through until December 2012.You are currently being considered for positions starting in 2013 and will receive further information on your application towards the end of June 2012.If your availability for the program changes please contact *******Once arrival numbers for 2013 have been confirmed we will be communicating with successful candidates.We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for all your efforts so far and will be in touch shortly."
Unless you have gone through all this yourself then it is quite difficult to understand how horrible it is to put your life on hold... and hold... and hold... when theres a big chance you might not get there in the end. Some days I would be feeling really positive, and other days I would be literally kicking myself about my interview and thinking there would be no way of getting the job. I literally don't know what I would have done without the support of all the other Disney wait-ees on facebook. Was so good to be able to rant away to them, knowing they felt the same as I think my friends and family, etc were all getting sick of hearing me talk about it. I would talk to anyone, and I mean ANYONE about Disney lol, I think it helped to keep my sanity just a teeny bit! Then I kept having all sorts of dreams about Disney, or stressy things like all my teeth falling out!
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