Monday 2 July 2012

So what happens next.. part 1

After freaking out for a bit and letting the whole wide world know that I got the job :) ... I went back and read the email properly. Near the bottom it says 
"In order to accept your position please reply directly to this email by no later than ****"
So I sent back a very enthusiastic and happy yes and thank you!!!!!

Becky then sent back a short email to say that there would be step by step instructions to follow emailed to me (and the other successful applicants) on the 2nd July. So until then it was just a matter of celebrating and being in a bit of a daze. I'm not sure yet if its hit me or not??

It also says in the congratulations email, that actual dates are still subject to change so not to book flights yet. Its worthwhile reading these emails a few times to make sure you know what to do/expect!

On the 2nd July, sure enough a big email came through from Yummy Jobs. Included with this is some instructions and a big check list. It mentioned that the CRB forms would be sent out to us in the post and we should send them back with all the necessary documents, ASAP. The CRB form is basically a criminal check that is carried out by Yummy Jobs. If they deem the results to be satisfactory then its a yes, otherwise its a no. They then tell Disney if its a yes or no. The results are then destroyed, unless you want a copy. Disney doesn't find out any of the details on it, just if Yummy have approved or not. This is a really important process and you can't continue without it. They give really clear instructions on how to fill it in and tell you how to pay by paypal. 

Once you receive the form, you fill it in as instructed (and its really not difficult!) and then include photocopies of the required documents (as YJ would have seen the originals at the interviews). You also need to include a print out of the paypal receipt to show that you have paid the £60. Then you put it all in an envelope, put YJ's address on it and send it by recorded delivery (just for safety, seeing as all your lifes information is basically in that envelope!). 

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